Senior China, US military officials hold ‘in-depth’ talks

The South China Sea, where Chinese warships have recently engaged in a number of high-profile conflicts with Spanish boats, is under the control of the Beijing military.

China asserts almost all of the commercially important body of water despite competing claims from other nations and a court decision that its claim has no constitutional basis.

The political adversaries ‘ high-level military speech on Tuesday follows the US’s first attend to China since 2016 with a US national security advisor.

Jake Sullivan, a top White House secretary, traveled to Beijing next month to meet with Zhang Youxia, a top army official.

The officials agreed to hold a contact between the two edges ‘ theater commanders in the near future after Sullivan’s conference with Zhang, according to the White House.

The top aide even raised the importance of “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea, where Beijing and Manila have clashed in recent months, and” balance” in the Taiwan Strait, Washington said.

Zhang, in turn, warned that the position of the self-ruled area was” the first dark column that cannot be crossed in China-US relationships”.

” China demands that the US halts military cooperation with Taiwan, ceases preparing Taiwan, and stops spreading fake stories related to Taiwan”, Zhang added.

He further demanded that the US “work together with China to foster cooperation and markets between the two forces and bear the burdens of big powers ‘ obligations.”