India’s top court sets up doctors’ panel on workplace safety after rape, murder

The constitution of a national task force of doctors to make recommendations on safety at work was given by the Indian Supreme Court on Tuesday ( August 20 ), just days after the rape and murder of a 31-year-old trainee doctor sparked nationwide outcry.

The judge also requested that the federal police make a report on the progress of their research into the apprentice doctor’s death from Aug. 9 at a state-run doctor in the eastern city of Kolkata on Thursday.

As part of their protests and refusal to observe non-emergency patients following the violence, doctors across the nation have called for a safer office and a sharp criminal investigation.

A policeman charity has been detained and charged with the crime. Women’s protesters claim the event has highlighted how persistently women in India are victims of sexual assault despite stronger laws passed following the 2012 gang-rape and death of a 23-year-old learner on a moving vehicle in New Delhi.