UNRWA is sued by Israeli victims of Oct 7 Hamas attack

Hundreds of Israelis suing the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency on Monday ( June 24 ) for allegedly assisting and assisting the Hamas attack on Israel.

The plaintiffs claimed in a problem filed with the US District Court in Manhattan that the UNRWA assisted Hamas in constructing what they called the “terror network” and employees.

The defendants are suing UNRWA for “aiding and abetting Hamas ‘ genocide, crimes against humanity, and rape,” which they claim violated international laws and the national Torture Victim Protection Act.

UNRWA declined to comment, saying it had yet to be served with the complaint.


The organization terminated 10 employees who Israel claimed had been involved in the attack, saying it takes allegations of workers misconduct significantly. Two people died, it has said.

UNRWA’s director- general, Philippe Lazzarini and many current and former company officials are even defendants.

101 of the defendants ‘ survivors or their loved ones were killed.

The plaintiffs want UNRWA held accountable for allegedly funneling more than$ 1 billion from a Manhattan bank account to Hamas, including for weapons, explosives, and ammunition despite the fact that many of their accusations were made by Israel’s government.

UNRWA accused Hamas of providing” healthy bay” to Israeli children through the use of Hamas-approved books to empower them about the hatred of Jews and Israel.

They even said the assault was “foreseeable” to the plaintiffs, regardless of whether they knew the details.

” We are talking about people who have been killed, lost family members and lost houses”, Avery Samet, a solicitor for the plaintiffs, said in an exam. ” We expect damage may be substantial”.

The Oct 7 strike by Hamas insurgents killed 1, 200 individuals, while about 250 different persons were abducted, according to Israeli counts.

Health authorities in the Hamas-ruled area claim that more than 37, 000 Palestinians have been killed since Israel’s abuse on the Gaza Strip.

After Israel claimed that UNRWA team members were involved in Hamas ‘ attack, several nations, including the US, stopped funding the organization.


After a UN-authorized independent assessment discovered that Israel had not provided any proof to back up its claims that thousands of UNRWA employees were people of terrorist organizations, Norway requested that foreign donors resume funding UNRWA in April.

Lazzarini urged Jewish attempts to dismantle UNRWA on Monday.

At a meeting of the advisory committee of the UN in Geneva, Lazzarini stated that if we do n’t rebel, other UN agencies and international organizations will follow. This will further undermine our multilateral system.

Established in 1949 after the first Egyptian- Jewish conflict, UNRWA provides teaching, medical and humanitarian assistance in Gaza, the West Bank, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon. Nearly all of the UN member states contribute to its funding.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency v. Estate of Kedem et cetera, US District Court, Southern District of New York, Case No. 24- 04765.