Pope urges world religions to unite against environmental devastation

DUBAI: Pope Francis declared on Sunday, December 3, that it was crucial for all earth faiths to band together in opposition to the “rapacious” destruction of the environment.

A heart disease forced the 86-year-old pope to stay in the Vatican instead of preside over the starting of the Faith Pavilion at the UNCOP28 climate meeting in Dubai.

As he did with Pope Francis ‘ keynote address to the convention on Saturday, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin read the priest’s message in his place.

The bishop noted that a Faith Pavilion was the first to be built at COP conferences and said,” Religions, as tones of conscience for mankind, remind us that we are fixed creatures, possessed of the need for the infinite.”

Because we are mortal, we must fight against the hungry idea of infallibility that is destroying our planet in order to protect life.

He stated that religions “need, immediately, to act for the sake of the environment,” educate their members to” calm and familial life-style” rather than useless types, and work for a return to the specific contemplation of nature’s beauty.

According to Pope Francis,” since design is not only an ecology to protect but also a gift to embrace, this is an essential duty for religions that are called to tell contemplation.”

He asserted that a planet devoid of contemplation may be one that has been polluted by soul and will continue to reject people and generate waste.

Pope Francis reiterated his contact for the abolition of fossil fuels in his principal speech to the conference on Saturday,&nbsp.

Lots of Catholic institutions have announced their intention to leave them all over the world.

However, according to a Reuters research, not one diocese has declared it has released its fossil fuel property in the United States, the world’s best oil and gas producer and home to about 25 % of the people who identify as Catholic.

Pope Francis even stated that peace and management of the planet were interconnected in his address to religious leaders,&nbsp.

He claimed that” we can see how wars and conflicts are harming the environment and dividing regions, hindering a common dedication to addressing shared issues like the security of the planet.”