Shocked quake survivors walk through ruined Afghan villages

The devastation poses a huge logistical challenge for Afghanistan’s new Taliban govt, which has isolated itself from much of the entire world by introducing hardline Islamist rule that subjugates women and girls.

International aid agencies trying to help are also extended thin.

Remote Ghurza is one of several small mountain towns in Bermal region, one of the wost-affected places.

Aid is beginning to trickle in to the valley – the military helicopter observed flying overhead dropped food to hard-to-reach places and collected some injured to deliver them to hospital : but an AFP team saw no United Nations presence on Thursday.


After the scary of the first hrs, villagers have already dried out their tears – misfortune is well known in this area, one of the poorest in the country ravaged by humanitarian crises, neglect and decades associated with war.

On Wednesday the villagers buried about sixty people, and thirty more followed on Thursday.

“We didn’t even have a shovel to drill down with, no devices, so we used a tractor, ” says Ghurziwal.

In the middle of a courtyard, his octogenarian mother, somewhat injured, is resting on a bed, sheltered from the sun by a sheet.

