200 doping tests in 10 days: China’s swim team staff cries foul over increased testing before Paris Olympics

Topping the list was Qin Haiyang. The 200-meter swimming universe record holder was tested 46 times overall. Zhang Yufei, a caterpillar and free competitor, came in second with 43 tests. &nbsp,

In fact, according to the data, the top 26 swimmers last year were largely Chinese nationals. Siobhan Haughey, the only non-mainland Chinese swimmer, placed 24th overall on 17 exams. She is also a former Hong Kong Olympic medalist.

American sprinter Robert Finke, who placed 27th on the list, took 16 testing in 2023.

In response to World Aquatics ‘ report from South China Morning Post (SCMP), which was published on July 16, China’s rowers were targeted twice as frequently as their competitors for drug tests.

According to officials from the world governing body, swimmers “from certain nations” were scheduled to get tested four days between Jan 1 and the start of the Paris Olympics on July 26.

Netizens in China left angry comments underneath Phoenix Television’s article on Weibo following the claims made by Mr. Yu, which have caused an net blend. &nbsp,

” Why did n’t ( they ) complain? Do n’t athletes deserve rest”? reads one remark that garnered 2, 400 loves.

“( Try ) complaining, and see what happened to Sun Yang”, reads another top comment, referring to the Chinese swimmer and three-time Olympic champion.

Sun was handed an eight-year competition ban in 2020 by the World Anti-Doping Agency ( WADA ) for smashing vials of blood during a 2018 doping test. This fine was afterward reduced to four decades.

The tweet,” Chinese swimming crew subjected to roughly 200 anti-doping testing in 10 time”, was even a hot topic on Weibo, with some Chinese netizens pointing fingers at Chinese sports officials for not protecting the athletes. &nbsp,

SWIMMING IN Discussion

The most recent advancement comes after a doping controversy in Chinese floating broke out earlier this year.

In April, it was revealed that 23 Chinese rowers had already taken a prohibited drug before the final Olympic Games in 2021, and were still permitted to thrive. &nbsp,

At a local meet in late 2020 and the early stages of 2021, the runners tested good for a prescription heart medicine, trimetazidine ( TMZ), which can increase efficiency. &nbsp,

WADA was informed in June 2021 that Taiwanese anti-doping officials had accepted that the rowers had tested positive for Fox after having “inadvertently been exposed to the material through leakage.” &nbsp,

The anti-doping body came to the conclusion that it was” not in a position to refute the possibility that contamination was the source of TMZ.” &nbsp,

A World Aquatics assessment into the scenario last month revealed no mishandling or cover-up by WADA.

According to Reuters, Swiss counsel Eric Cottier, who conducted an impartial investigation into how WADA handled the case, concluded that all methods were strictly adhered to.

According to the World Aquatics review, the report concludes that there was no inconsistency, mismanagement, or cover-up by FINA ( as World Aquatics was known at the time ) during its investigation into the Fox event or when it made its decision not to appeal the CHINADA choices in that case.

According to FINA,” the method and process adopted in 2021 were in line with both the World Anti-Doping Code and the operating procedures of the time.”