Tokyo: Two former Japan Airlines  ( JAL ) pilots were given a four-day suspension from flying by the Japanese transport ministry on Tuesday ( Feb. 4 ) because they had drunk too much before a flight and told lies to their former employers.
The two former captains, according to the government, “drank drinking in excess of the control, even though they were aware of the regulations” that set out a 12-hour limit on alcohol consumption.
The men received punishments of up to seven months after both “gave fake explanations to the business after arriving and attempted to cover up the overwhelming drinking” according to the government.
After drinking exceeded the permitted alcohol control was found in their networks, the couple were fired by JAL, which caused a three-hour delay for a journey from Melbourne to Tokyo in December.
JAL announced last month that its two most top executives may receive a 30 % pay cut for the duration of the event.
Following the cancellation of a flight from Dallas to Tokyo last year after a pilot became agitated after drinking in a hotel, the transportation department instructed JAL to take precautionary measures.
Following a number of occurrences that received press coverage, Japan introduced new rules in 2019 to clamp down on pilot alcohol intake.
All Nippon Airways delayed a private flight that season because a co-pilot failed an drinking breath test.
A JAL co-pilot was detained in Britain in 2018 immediately before a flight because he was nearly ten times over the legal alcohol limit.