Three Thai women have been saved after being duped into a human-egg-harvesting plot by Chinese gangsters in Georgia’s former Communist nation.  ,
Pavena Hongsakula, the leader of the Pavena Foundation for Children and Women, spearheaded the effort to open them.
Ms. Pavena claimed she learned about it from a different target who had been released and who had just paid the group about 70, 000 ringgit before going back to Thailand.
The target claimed that the human-egg farm’s victims had no money to pay for their freedom and that other Thai people were still imprisoned there.  ,
According to her, the foreign affairs authorities, a division led by Pol Maj Gen Surapan Thaiprasert, worked with Interpol and were able to assist three other people in returning to Thailand on January 30.
Speaking to media by a video on the charity’s Instagram page on Monday, one of the victims said she saw a task avertisement on Twitter promising an revenue of 400, 000 to 600, 000 baht.
She contacted the page, where she learned that it was lawful to act as a surrogate family for people who couldn’t have children in Georgia. According to the person, the company paid for the woman’s card software and other travel expenses.
In August, she and about ten others, under the direction of a Thai lady who is alleged to be a member of the gang, traveled to Georgia. They were taken to a location where there were four big homes and at least 100 Thai people currently living it upon arrival.
No people applied that for a surrogate mother, she claimed, because the place was run by Chinese criminals, and it turned out there were no such people there.  ,
Rather, they were given hormones to promote their eggs. Once a month the ladies were anaesthetised and their eggs collected, she said.  , Some of the people had not been paid at all.  ,
According to Ms. Pavena, the collected eggs were allegedly sold or otherwise trafficked in other nations for in-vitro fertilization ( IVF ).
According to the authorities, the investigation is ongoing and there might be additional rescue.  ,
According to the Pavena Foundation’s information, 257 Thais fell prey to human smugglers in 2024, of which 53 were found in Thailand and 204 in other countries. The base helped liberate 152 of them.  ,
Georgia does not have any particular regulations governing infertility. However, there are legal agreements between the businesses that offer their services and those that deal with infertility. The Georgian government has stated that it is preparing to declare it illegitimate.  ,