Pakistan appeals to world for flood help amid devastation

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Pakistan is appealing for further international assistance after floods wreaked chaos across the country.

The united states, UK, United Arab Emirates and others have got contributed to a monsoon disaster appeal but much more funds are needed, an interior ministry formal told the BBC.

More than one, 000 people have passed away and millions are displaced since 06, Salman Sufi mentioned.

He mentioned Pakistan’s government was doing everything in the power to help people.

Displaced people wait for assistance after fleeing their homes in Karachi province

Getty Pictures

In the north-west of the country, thousands of people fled their homes after streams in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province burst their own banks, causing effective flash floods.

“The house which we built with years of effort started sinking in front of our eyes, ” Junaid Khan, 23, told AFP information agency. “We sitting on the side of the road and watched the dream house going. ”

The state of Sindh in the south-east of the nation has also been badly affected, along with thousands displaced using their homes .

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Speaking to the BBC, Mr Sufi mentioned the country was in desperate need of a lot more international support.

“Pakistan has been grappling with economic issues but now just when we had been about to overcome all of them the monsoon devastation hit, ” this individual said.

Funding from the lot of development projects had been rerouted towards the affected people, he or she added.


‘No food has come here’

Pumza Fihlani, BBC News, Sindh

There were out of place people in all from the villages we went through across Sindh.

The full scale from the devastation in the province is yet to become fully understood, yet on the ground the people explain it as the most severe disaster they’ve survived.

Floods are not uncommon in Pakistan however the people here tell us these rains were different. They were more than anything that’s have you been seen here. One local official defined them as “floods of biblical proportions”.

Near the city of Larkana, thousands of mud homes have sunk under water, and for kilometres all that’s visible is treetops.

In which the water level is slightly lower, thatched roofs creep out from underneath the menacing water.

The needs of the survivors are usually varied. In one community we visit, the people sat there are eager for food. In another they say they’ve got their own grains, but they require money to meet their own other needs.

We all visit one exactly where many children have developed waterborne diseases. A mobile truck pulls over and scores immediately run towards it. Children carrying other children make their way towards the long queue.

One 12-year-old young lady says she and her baby sister have not eaten in one day. “No food comes here. But our sister is ill, she has been throwing up, I hope they can help. ”


Pakistan’s Prime Ressortchef (umgangssprachlich) Shehbaz Sharif mentioned 33 million people had been hit from the floods – regarding 15% of the nation’s population.

He said the losses caused by floods this season had been comparable to those throughout the floods of 2010-11, said to be the most severe on record.

Authorities in the country blame environment change for the devastation.

But poor county planning has also been mentioned as a factor that has exacerbated flooding situations in the past, with structures often erected within areas prone to seasonal flooding.