From Singapore to Tanzania, she’s future-proofing the world’s cities one green building at a time

From Singapore to Tanzania, she's future-proofing the world's cities one green building at a time

From Africa in order to China, Southeast Asia and Singapore, the 52-year-old has spent the latter half of her career greening one building at a time. Through airports to seaports, offices, schools, department stores and homes, this wounderful woman has helped to shape a new generation associated with sustainable buildings that conserve energy, drinking water and other materials. The girl vision: Cities of the future that are low, zero or positive energy.


“This planet is the home. It gives us life and supports everything around us from the weather to the people. It is only natural to care about sustainability, ” said Farizan.

“When it comes to the building industry, there is so much we can do from innovation to design which is not only more sustainable but will have a positive impact on how we live and feel. I don’t understand why we are not looking more deeply into it, ” she reflected.  

Lasting buildings may sound rather technical, but to cut all the lingo, they simply make reference to more environmentally accountable and resource effective designs.

They may harness solar energy, reuse rainwater, optimise natural lighting and natural ventilation, or feature high-tech improvements such as energy-efficient thermosiphon cooling beams instead of air conditioning, or synthetic intelligence and machine learning for higher efficiency.