Crispina Robert, number:  ,
But we didn’t deny that there might be serious problems. Historically, we are very different. We have to deal- who pays for what, how do we determine on tax cuts and opportunities. What do you consider to be the issues?
Thilan Wickramasinghe, Maybank Investment Banking Group:  ,
Let me set this in perspective: 140 of the world’s nations have special economic zones, but the majority of them don’t really fulfill their original requirements. Special economic zones typically cause problems for most places because they typically have one or two or three things wrong before an economic area can succeed. The path to success is very, very small with exclusive economic areas.  ,  ,
You need to have landscape, you need to have plan, and you need to have a business scenario. As Serina has mentioned, there is a business situation right now.  ,  ,