So there are times when I go out and take and I notice, the whole family, everyone is online. Observe a little bit more and you realise, oh, they are talking to each other but online.
Steven Chia, network:
I would suggest at least they’re talking to each other! That’s not so terrible.
Nikki Yeo, CNA TODAY columnist:
I was not the two-year-old monitoring Cocomelon when I was growing up because I was raised as an mobile child and am a bit older than that. Therefore, watching children communicate in that manner is however odd to me.
I do believe that if I had been much younger and exposed to social media or my phone, I definitely wouldn’t have picked up studying and other interests as many.
But as a 14-year-old and 15-year-old, I didn’t really think living without that neighborhood.  , For me, at that time, it was Tumblr, and I think it was a very creative place.