SINGAPORE: It’s 2012. You place your glass crown upon it, and use your brand-new mobile device to click on a blue app logo, either one with a small white birds on it or one with a white” F” in lower situation.
On your beautiful contact screen, you kind:” Taking a poop. LO L”. And you hit “post”, uploading it for the poor.
Some likes on Facebook, quickly. a few Linkedin companions who retweet something. You recall the most recent article you made on social media: a photo of you and your family making amusing faces over meal, or an uncensored thought that persisted as you waited for the bus.
Social media has now become something of a pit for judgment and criticism rather than helping you stay connected with friends and family.
Post something less than appealing? Strangers you’ve never met who might not even reside on the same continent will likely make some offensive comments about your weight, barely noticeable acne scars, and somewhat broken teeth.
Love to dance? RandomUser123 will comment on your TikTok videos that you were a trifle eccentric, your arm motion was not strong enough – and you misspelt” dance” in your message.  ,
You wouldn’t even need to get posting something somewhere online. You might be out looking after seeing a picture or video of yourself on a strange social media post by a complete stranger with the message” Why would you use this out”…
Everyone has to be excellent online right now, so using social media has become almost intolerable.  ,
The rule includes minor adjustments to your face on an editing program and a color filter to improve aesthetics. Although the pictures were properly planned and had specific sides used, the candid shots and “unglams” are long gone.
But lately, one pattern has breathed fresh air into the social internet activity, encouraging people to be proudly themselves:” We listen and we don’t assess”.
The eponymous remark, which is sung by friends, family, or couples, is used before sharing embarrassing but harmless secrets about themselves, such as stealing their sibling’s expensive glitter gel pen or using each other’s expensive shampoo.  ,