Kenzaburō Ōe a writer of real humanity, real Japan

The death at 88 of Japanese writer and Nobel prize winner Kenzaburō Ōe on March 3 leaves a deep wound in his readers – and in the Japanese community, which has lost one of its most powerful voices and critics. Ōe was a literary giant. In Japan open political discussion and participation is discouraged and […]Continue Reading

Singapore’s banks have ‘insignificant’ exposures to Credit Suisse: MAS

SINGAPORE: The exposure that Singapore banks DBS, OCBC and UOB have to troubled banking giant Credit Suisse are “insignificant”, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) said on Thursday (Mar 16). Singapore’s banking system remains sound and resilient, MAS said in response to media queries.  “Banks in Singapore are well-capitalised and conduct regularContinue Reading

Govt urged to boost women MPs

The government should help increase the number of women in parliament to promote gender equality, a forum was told recently. Advocates for greater gender equality at the political level spoke at the “International Women’s Day: Breaking the Barrier to Women in Political Leadership” forum, organised by the British and Canadian embassies, and the Westminster Foundation for Democracy.Continue Reading