Putting AI in tech milestone perspective – Asia Times

Recently, artificial intelligence ( AI ) technology has been at the forefront, drawing attention to businesses like Nvidia, which is now one of the world’s most valuable companies.

But where does this tech stand among those that have made the online world possible? Due improvements with the greatest potential were primarily based on electronic devices, which made it possible to develop more powerful computer and communication systems.

The transistor, which was created in 1946 and is the genesis of our modern electronic age, was the first step in the right direction. In various forms, the circuit, which replaced vacuum tubes products, is the solid-state system enabling all electrical systems.

Its scalability, reliability, and low switching power dissipation made it possible to build reliable computing systems that could n’t be achieved using previous vacuum tube technology.

In the 1960s, the following vital invention came: the integrated circuits, which combined several connected transistors on a silicon chip. The core of almost all modern digital systems is this invention, which has grown from a dozen circuits on a device to billions today.

The chips ‘ infrastructure is determined by the desired system functionality based on transistor connections.

Strong computing systems require high-speed connections, and the introduction of lasers and fibre optics solved this problem. The most widely used laser developed in the 1970s were silicon beams that enabled information contacts by high-data-rate grain optic-based data transfer.

High-frequency light photons from visual materials can be used to transmit digital data over thousands of kilometers. Now, fiber optic contacts, along with mobile systems, dominate online communication.

The development of the system that made widespread consumer and business contacts possible worldwide was completed with the introduction of the Internet in the 1990s.

Although computer software technology was developing, it was unable to keep up with the fast development of devices, which led to a rapid increase in data. As a result, the nation’s systems generated enormous amounts of data that were not important. To manage and usage data, better strategies were required.

Since the 1950s, scientific work has been ongoing to translate ideas about the special capabilities of the human mind to computer systems, despite limitations in existing technologies.

The human mind functions on the basis of a large number of coordinated cells that talk as needed to manage human activities.

Instead of using the horizontal running method, the idea that underpins AI&nbsp, systems was that computer data processing may resemble that of the human mind, or “neural running.”

It was believed that this control would enable much more effective access to and use of computer energy. But, practical results were delayed to come.

In consequence, the suggested AI systems relied on large parallel information processing. A large number of running transistors, powered by an enormous quantity of processing transistors, were all that was needed to create valuable systems.

With small practical application, years of research on these methods and techniques were conducted. Finally, &nbsp, with the integrated circuit performance improving along Moore’s Law, it became possible to build useful AI systems ( with Nvidia in the processing device leadership ) and really remarkable data processing results were demonstrated. Thus the prevailing people excitement.

But is all the pleasure warranted? In my opinion, AI deserves a level alongside the main prior modern technology advances. AI enables an massive improvement&nbsp, in the use and benefit of information. It does not discover new information, but it can detect trends in previously unobserved patterns in data.

AI may induce human creation by uncovering undiscovered connections but does not invent. Ultimately, it can communicate with people in real time, which would make it possible to perform tasks that are error-prone in modern techniques.

No, it does not bestow desktops with human intellect, but it enables people intelligence to perform at new levels of efficiency.

Henry Kressel is a technician, engineer, company executive and writer who has created numerous essential innovations, including founding functional semiconductor lasers. He is also a long-term private equity investment in technology businesses.